No. 12 (2018): Revista Historia Autónoma

Between the Collaboration and the Insubordination: the ?ar?qa Darq?wiyya of Morocco Before Raisuni and Abdelkrim (1912-1927)

Jorge Villanueva Farpón
Universidad de Salamanca
Published March 26, 2018
How to Cite
Villanueva Farpón, J. (2018). Between the Collaboration and the Insubordination: the ?ar?qa Darq?wiyya of Morocco Before Raisuni and Abdelkrim (1912-1927). Revista Historia Autónoma, (12), 151–169.


It is well known the important role played by Muslim religious brotherhoods in the history of Morocco. Founded at the end of the eighteenth century, the Darq?wiyya, one of these brotherhoods, grew rapidly in extent and influence throughout the territory during a period of major changes in the socio-political life of the country. Morocco would soon feel the increasing interference of European colonialism, culminating with the establishment of the French and Spanish Protectorates in 1912. During this period and until the so-called “pacification” of the Spanish zone of influence in 1927, several revolts took place against the established powers that forced Moroccans and Europeans to take positions in the light of the events. The best known were the Jbalan leader Raisuni and the Riffian Abdelkrim al-Jattabi. Both rebel leaders switched from collaboration to resistance against Spanish colonial authorities. This article explains what were the positions and relations between the colonial authorities, the leaders of the Darq?wiyya brotherhood and these two rebel heads.


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