Solesmes’s Famous Tutus, <i>Machines, and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge</i>: An Account of a Brief Experiment with Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence, OpenIA, Human intelligence, Solesmes, Alphonse GuépinCopyright (c) 2023 Ignacio Cabello Llano
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
In this article we present the results of a short experiment carried out in February 2023 with two Artificial Intelligence tools recently developed by the company OpenIA, inspired by an actual experience in a Medieval History seminar. We first introduce the problem of interpretation posed by a text (“1. El problema: les tutus célèbres de Solesmes”); then we show what Artificial Intelligence is capable of (“2. El experimento: Machines and the Limits of Scientific Knowledge”) and, finally, we present the solution we have arrived at by making use of human reason (“3. Las conclusiones: La raison contre les robots”). In addition to resolving —satisfactorily, in our opinion— the problem of interpretation posed by the text, our aim is to encourage reflection on the risks and limits of the use of Artificial Intelligence tools, which, although they can perform complex operations in a matter of seconds, can never replace human reason and intuition.
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