Digital Applications to the Archaeology of Protohistoric Architecture. From Archaeometry to Virtual Archaeology Luis Berrocal-Rangel, Lucía Ruano, Gregorio R. Manglano Valcárcel 21-113 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
The contribution of digital tools to the study of the Silla del Papa (Tarifa, Cadiz, Spain) Agathe Desmars, Antoine Laurent, Pierre Moret 115-128 DOI: PDF (Français (France))
GIS and LiDAR Applications in the Iron Age of the Middle Tagus: A New Look at Plaza de Moros (Villatobas, Toledo) and the Mesa de Ocaña Pablo Sánchez de Oro 129-150 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
LiDAR technology applied to the study of fortified sites in western Spain: El Freíllo (Candeleda, Ávila) Pablo Paniego Díaz, Carlota Lapuente Martín 151-161 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Digital Applications to Archaeological Remains: Materials, implements and tools used in Iron Age architecture Juan Francisco Blanco García, Lucía Ruano 163-201 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Archaeometry as an archaeological tool: Application to the analysis and origin of “verracos” Gregorio R. Manglano , Raquel Vigil de la Villa Mencía, Rosario García Giménez 203-215 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Iron Age Earthen Architecture on the Cantabrian Façade: a Review of Building Techniques and Materials Through Archaeometry and Virtual Archaeology Lucía Ruano Posada 217-243 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Monitoring, diagnosis, and evaluation of the effects of dissemination on heritage sites. Vettones hillforts in the provinces of Ávila and Salamanca: Las Cogotas, Mesa de Miranda, El Freíllo, Las Merchanas and Yecla la Vieja Raquel Castelo Ruano, Consolación González Casarrubios 245-364 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
New technologies for divulgation in the state museums of Molise (Italy). The Molise M.A.C.R.O. project Viviana Carbonara, Davide Delfino, Saverio Ialenti 365-377 DOI: PDF (Español (España))
Virtual restoration and proposed presentation of the fortifications of the oppidum of Monte Bernorio Marcos Galeano Prados, Jesús Francisco Torres-Martínez, Manuel Fernández-Götz, Juan Mencía Gómez 379-393 DOI: PDF (Español (España))