No. 53 (2021)

The Symbolic and Ideological Occupation of Washington during the Trump Era: The Collapse of the Capital of the United States in the Series The Plot Against America, The Man in the High Castle, and The Handmaid´s Tale

Marco Da Costa
Izmir University of Economics
Portada del número 53 de la revista Secuencias
Published October 1, 2021


dystopia, uchrony, The Plot Against America, The Handmaid's Tale, The Man in the High Castle, public space, Washington D.C., TV series, Nazism
How to Cite
Da Costa, M. . (2021). The Symbolic and Ideological Occupation of Washington during the Trump Era: The Collapse of the Capital of the United States in the Series The Plot Against America, The Man in the High Castle, and The Handmaid´s Tale. Secuencias, (53), 77–96.


Donald Trump’s accession to the presidency of the United States in 2016 generated a multitude of favorable and unfavorable currents of opinion. In the latter case, this translated, among other manifestations, into the creation of a group of television productions that critically reflected on the history of the United States. Specifically, this article aims to show how the occupation of the public space of the American capital, from the serial dystopias and uchronias of The Plot Against America, The Handmaid´s Tale, and The Man in the High Castle, became a powerful metaphorical resource to interpret an era marked by the economic crisis and the rise of political populism. 


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