No. 56

Neo-Noir Ramifications in Argentina at the Turn of the New Millennium: Pizza, birra, faso and El bonaerense as «Neo-neorealist» Cases

Fernando Sánchez López
The Ohio State University
Published June 8, 2023


neo-noir, New Argentine Cinema, neo-neorrealist, Pizza birra faso, El bonaerense
How to Cite
Sánchez López, F. (2023). Neo-Noir Ramifications in Argentina at the Turn of the New Millennium: Pizza, birra, faso and El bonaerense as «Neo-neorealist» Cases. Secuencias, (56), 63–78.


After examining the significant links between the neo-noir essence and the shift made by Argentine cinema at the end of last century, when the heterogeneous New Argentine Cinema (NAC) was searching for disruptive cinematic forms and, in certain cases, they were found in film genre hybridity and subversion, the aim of this paper is to analyze the way in which neo-noir’s generic polyvalence, through some of its thematic and aesthetic postulates, influenced various significant examples of the NAC. The two cases under review are Pizza, birra, faso (Bruno Stagnaro and Adrián Caetano, 1998) and El bonaerense (Pablo Trapero, 2002). Their quasi-documentary style, defined as «neo-neorealist» by Joanna Page, establishes a dialogue with the social distress that took place during pre- and post-crisis Argentina after 2001, more effectively conveyed thanks to the influence of neo-noir and its hybridity


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