INTER ARMAS SILENT ARTES II. The Falangist Documentary Strategy with the Nazi Allies: 1937-1938
Spanish Civil War, Falange, Third Reich, propaganda, documentaries
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This paper is the result of a research process spanning several years at the German Federal Archives. It addresses the relationship established between Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las JONS through the Spanish American Cinematography (CEA) production company and the European film consortium Tobis-Klangfilm, which aimed to secure cinematographic propaganda for the military rebellion of July 18, 1936, against the Second Spanish Republic. The Falange’s strategy implemented with the German film industry to produce short films, documentaries and propaganda newsreels is of great importance for Spanish film history. Its description and analysis provide a basis from which to understand in greater depth the character and functioning of the official film agreements signed by Franco’s Spain and the Third Reich during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). Equally, it helps to study the development of their cinematographic relationship after the end of the Civil War. Accordingly, this paper sheds light on the production process of some Falange short films and tries to give answers to some open questions regarding the documentaries Arriba España! and Romancero marroquí.
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