Vol. 3 (2019)

The possibilities of music therapy in the context of integrated psychotherapy / Knobloch

Peter Kusý
Trnava University
Published July 7, 2020


music therapy, interpersonal hypothesis of music, circumplex, group scheme, interpersonal tendencies, integrated psychotherapy
How to Cite
Kusý, P. (2020). The possibilities of music therapy in the context of integrated psychotherapy / Knobloch. Revista De Investigación En Musicoterapia, 3, 148–155. https://doi.org/10.15366/rim2019.3.009


The purpose of this paper is to describe the possibilities of music therapy in the context of Integrated
Psychotherapy / Knobloch. The main pillar of music therapy in the psychotherapeutical process is created by
Interpersonal Hypothesis of Music, which is based on an idea that the music reflects interpersonal tendencies
which independent observer can determine with the certainty beyond a mere chance. Music is able to induce
a state that similarly like dreams activates interpersonal processes in person’s Group Scheme, and in fantasy
even satisfies some interpersonal needs and activates interpersonal tendencies. This relates to all people alike.
One of the most important tools of music therapy is Circumplex that represents eight categories of interpersonal
tendencies (dominance and submission, affiliation and autonomy, exhibition of high and poor quality, fight and
escape). There are also used various techniques of passive (receptive) and active components of music therapy –
always in accordance with the principle of Interpersonal Hypothesis of Music which together with
the Circumplex and Group Scheme can function as effective secondary tool in therapeutic practice.


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