Impact of music therapy on the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities: a review of the literature
Quality of life, intellectual disability, music therapy, bibliographic reviewCopyright (c) 2020 Revista de Investigación en Musicoterapia
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Music therapy is an intervention modality widely used in the field of intellectual disability. The
personal results of the interventions that imply an improvement in the quality of life are considered as an indicator of good practices in this area. The objective of this paper is to relate the results of music therapy interventions in people with intellectual disabilities to the dimensions of the quality of life model of Schalock and Verdugo. To achieve this objective, a literature review has been carried out with a result of twelve studies with methodological validity. The results of the interventions have been related to the indicators of each of the dimensions of quality of life model proposed by Schalock and Verdugo. The results inform that most of the interventions pursue objectives related to the dimensions: emotional well-being, interpersonal relationships and social inclusion.
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