Vol. 3 (2019)

The influence of music therapy sessions on the improvement of accuracy and reading speed in school children with learning difficulties aged 6-9

Published July 7, 2020


music therapy, learning disabilities, reading disabilities, phonological awareness
How to Cite
Moutte, S. (2020). The influence of music therapy sessions on the improvement of accuracy and reading speed in school children with learning difficulties aged 6-9. Revista De Investigación En Musicoterapia, 3. https://doi.org/10.15366/rim2019.3.002


Today there are numerous studies whose results have demonstrated the effectiveness of musical interventions to promote oral language and literacy skills. Music and language both require similar skills, such as auditory discrimination or sense of rhythm. In this participant observation the objective was to see the impact of music therapy sessions on the improvement of accuracy and reading speed in school children with learning difficulties aged 6-9. The study participants were one 8-year-old girl and one 9-year-old girl from a group of three students and two boys and one girl of 6 years of age from a group of five users. Each group received a weekly 45-minute session for three months. In order to measure the participants' progress, the level of accuracy and reading speed of each participant, a test was carried out before and after the intervention period with music therapy. The results obtained showed a considerable improvement in the participants' accuracy and reading speed. But it is important to keep in mind that their progress is also due to all the work done by the students during that period, outside the music therapy sessions. It can be concluded, therefore, that music therapy can contribute to the improvement of accuracy and reading speed within a school context.


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