Vol. 7 (2023): Revista de Investigación en Musicoterapia

La construcción de la experiencia sonoro-musical en la clínica infantil: una apuesta significante

Published December 21, 2023


musicoterapia, psicoanálisis, experiencia
How to Cite
Vago, F. (2023). La construcción de la experiencia sonoro-musical en la clínica infantil: una apuesta significante. Revista De Investigación En Musicoterapia, 7, 45–50. https://doi.org/10.15366/rim2023.7.004


The following article aims to reflect on the construction of the sound-musical experience in music therapy clinics with children. The proposal encourages the intersection of -one of the most mentioned concepts in Music Therapy- the "sound-musical experience" and psychoanalysis. This is an endeavor that, without intending to completely encompass the matter, addresses one of the most problematic issues in working with children, which relates to ethics, the individual, and a clinic of the particular. This leads to an argumentative reflection that critiques the reductionism of experience as a purely experiential and ineffable phenomenon, reclaiming its theoretical-clinical importance and its effects on our practice.


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