Vol. 5 (2021)

Music therapy applied to Asperger's syndrome through Lettrock's method: musical intervention.

Lucía Isabel López Rodríguez
Published December 2, 2021


Music Therapy; autistic espectrum; Asperger’s Syndrome; behavioural flexibility; Sonamos Color Band.
How to Cite
López Rodríguez, L. I. (2021). Music therapy applied to Asperger’s syndrome through Lettrock’s method: musical intervention. Revista De Investigación En Musicoterapia, 5, 54–79. https://doi.org/10.15366/rim2021.5.004


The study covers the effect that the Music Therapy exerts on patients with autism syndrome spectrum, specifically, with Asperger’s syndrome. This work was born after the observation that was realized during the rehearsals with the members of “SonamosColor Band”, to which the study subject belongs.

Besides the objectives and methodology conducted by the group, individuals Music Therapy sessions were make. They were based on the modification of the behavioural rigidity and flexibility. All of that was designed having into account the method of Norwegian Music therapist Tom Naes. 

The methodology used during the individual’s sessions consisted of exercises focused on the continuant variation of musical elements such as rhythm, harmony, intensity, duration, etc.  Being subsequently applied and adapted to the themes played during the rehearsal with all the band.

The information collected after the experimental process have resulted in the benefits that Music Therapy develops in patients with these characteristics. However, were collected others datum related with the impact that caused the use of the memory during the process of group playing. In spite of this characteristic at first sight could be a positive trait, throughout the investigation, have been manifested the disadvantages that caused in the musical interpretation and communication with the rest of the band. That is why such information could become a key point in a future research.


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