Vol. 14 No. 1 (2021): Evaluación docente
Monographic section

Teacher Evaluation and Professional Improvement. Discover the Charm of its Complicity

María Amparo Calatayud Salom
Universidad de Valencia
Portada del volumen 14, número 1, de la revista iberoamericana de evaluación educativa
Published April 28, 2021


Teacher evaluation, Improvement, Feedback, Self-evaluation, Reflection
How to Cite
Calatayud Salom, M. A. (2021). Teacher Evaluation and Professional Improvement. Discover the Charm of its Complicity. Iberoamerican Journal of Educational Evaluation, 14(1), 87–100. https://doi.org/10.15366/riee2021.14.1.005


Currently, we are at an optimal and crucial moment, full of complexity and with great needs to progress and improve after the months of pandemic experienced after COVID-19. Although Spain is one of the countries in which teacher evaluation has barely been addressed, it should be moving towards a trend linked to teacher development, through self-evaluation processes. The raison d'être of this article lies, through the arguments that we are going to present, in trying to awaken the complicity between teacher evaluation and its impact on both professional and personal improvement and development. Without a doubt, if teachers discovered the charm of doing a quality teacher evaluation, it would lead them to practice it because it would help them improve their practice and, ultimately, improve the learning processes of students, which is what, truly, we should be concerned as education professionals. Therefore, the previous reflections will be influenced to awaken the complicity between the teacher evaluation and the professional improvement, the pillars on which it has to be based and the self-evaluation itinerary for its implementation will be described. 


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