Self-assessment of Teaching Styles in Higher Education
Faculty assessment, Faculty evaluation, Types of teachers, Reflective teaching, UniversitiesThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 Unported License.
The purpose of this research is to propose an alternative to the self-assessment of teaching styles in higher education. A literature review is carried out to discuss the self-evaluation university staff as an element of teaching evaluation. To this end, the research aims to evaluate teaching styles. Teaching styles are defined, and a functionalist and reflective propose are discussed as aims for this kind of self-assessment. Finally, the psychometric analysis challenges of this type of instrument are analyzed by reflecting upon the relevance of consistency coefficients such as Cronbach's Alpha. Based on the above, a questionnaire is developed in 6 phases. Those phases consider the exploration and subsequent definition of plausible teaching styles that emerge from the data. The teaching styles defined are neither dichotomous nor conceptualized from a functionalist perspective. When calculating the internal consistency, the Omega coefficient is found to be a more plausible alternative to Cronbach's Alpha. The possibility of discussing the stability of the teaching styles found is a debate that arises for new research projects.
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