Vol. 16 No. 1 (2023): Evaluation of Practices in Inclusive Education

Adaptation and Validation of an Instrument for the Identification of Social Representations

Galo Emanuel Lopez Gamboa
Julio Isaac Vega
Roger Jesús González González
Published April 26, 2023


Social representations, Validity, Culture, Measurement, Methodology
How to Cite
Lopez Gamboa, G. E., Vega, J. I., & González González, R. J. (2023). Adaptation and Validation of an Instrument for the Identification of Social Representations. Iberoamerican Journal of Educational Evaluation, 16(1), 101–116. https://doi.org/10.15366/riee2023.16.1.006


Social representations are concepts studied from the fields of psychology, sociology and has currently gained relevance in others such as education; It has been studied from different schools of thought that postulate the way in which these (SRs) integrate, develop and evolve. This text presents the proposal of a measurement instrument through Osgood's semantic differential in which adjectives are used based on theoretical categories, as well as adaptation to the Latin American cultural context. To analyze the construct validity of the instrument, it was decided to carry out a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) considering a three-dimensional structure that represents each of the stimuli presented to the participants. The three-dimensional result indicates an appropriate fit and identified expected associations between the success assessment factor with failure, obtaining a negative relationship. The instrument is consistent with the literature regarding the SR of the successful student, the unsuccessful student, and the figure of the teacher, in which the latter tends to associate their own personal characteristics with the image of the highly successful student, that is, they Learn the trade of being a student.


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