Impact Evaluation of the Professional Development of Teachers on Emotional Intelligence
Socioemotional skills, Early childhood, Impact evaluation, Early education, Socioemotional educationThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 Unported License.
Reports indicate that 18% of all infants between the ages of three and five years present a gap in socioemotional development. At the same time, reports reveal the need to strengthen the socioemotional skills of teachers. Two applications implemented a diploma course in socioemotional education against this backdrop. Therefore, the objective of the research is to evaluate its impact on three dimensions: personal, family, and teaching. The selected methodology is of a mixed nature with a systematic and reflexive approach. The results indicate that the participants perceive a notable improvement in their own awareness of the HSE, as well as in their family relationships. In addition, they believe that the diploma course has positively influenced their teaching practice. The results suggest a substantial interest and commitment on the part of teachers to develop these skills in themselves and in their students. The results highlight the need to rethink HSE teacher training in Mexico and the importance of having educational public policies that facilitate its implementation. This would contribute to creating favorable learning environments for the well-being and development of students and teachers, including the reduction of discrimination.
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