Vol. 17 No. 2 (2024): Assessment and Feedback for Learning Improvement
Monographic section

Peer Feedback Through Dialogue as Seen by Learners

Cristina Canabal García
M. Dolores García Campos
Leonor Margalef García
Published November 1, 2024


Peer feedback, Formative evaluation, Dialogue, Teacher training, Reflective triads
How to Cite
Canabal García, C., García Campos, M. D., & Margalef García, L. (2024). Peer Feedback Through Dialogue as Seen by Learners. Iberoamerican Journal of Educational Evaluation, 17(2), 45–62. https://doi.org/10.15366/riee2024.17.2.003


The research demonstrates the importance of peer feedback for their learning, especially in those who make the comments versus those who receive them. This research focused on students' perceptions of the impact of providing peer feedback through dialogue. The data were collected in the framework of a training action with 30 students in the last year of preservice teachers. The educational setting took place in the reflective triads strategy and the qualitative data were collected from the reports produced. The information extracted was analyzed following Grounded Theory, from which two categories of analysis emerged around the emotional and executive spheres. The results showed emotions of both pleasant and unpleasant valence. In terms of executive control, different levels of consolidation were evident. The study concludes that it is necessary to identify unpleasant emotions in order to initiate personal transformation processes. At the same time, it is necessary to promote progress in the executive control of students in the basic processes for feedback, which will allow consolidation of those of a higher order. All this will contribute positively to the performance of peer feedback through dialogue.


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