No. 21 (2020)

The strength of the arguments and the rhetorical perspective

Corina Yoris-Villasana
Centro de Investigación y Formación Humanística. Universidad Católica Andrés Bello
Published December 30, 2020


Argumentative strength, perspectives in the theory of argumentation, rhetorical perspective
How to Cite
Yoris-Villasana, C. (2020). The strength of the arguments and the rhetorical perspective. Revista Iberoamericana De Argumentación, (21), 1–30.


In this article I conceptually analyze some proposals that have been made to define the notion of argumentative force and I propose a definition that includes the rhetorical perspective, absent, until now, in my opinion, from the different proposals that I have analyzed. The definitions that have been most popular have privileged logical and dialectical perspectives and, consequently, the rhetorical perspective has been left in the background. The rhetorical perspective includes argumentation as a natural process of persuasive communication where certain discursive techniques are used to induce or increase adherence to a thesis. The daily arguments, the public debates almost never do without the rhetorical elements, such as the emotion and the spirit that permeates a determined social conglomerate, that is to say, the ethos; understanding by this the catalog of attitudes, values and customs rooted in a social group.


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