No. 20 (2020): Special Issue: Teaching Argumentation in Brazil and Argentina

The argumentative dissertative text of the National High School Examination (Enem) 2017: Who writes the writing graded 1000?

Maria Inês Batista Campos
Universidade de São Paulo
Published June 23, 2020


Argumentation, Bakhtin, Dissertating Text, Essays, Speech of the other, Theory of Utterance, Volóshinov
How to Cite
Batista Campos, M. I. (2020). The argumentative dissertative text of the National High School Examination (Enem) 2017: Who writes the writing graded 1000?. Revista Iberoamericana De Argumentación, (20), 57–77.


In this article, the objective is to analyze meritorious   essays from the National High School Examination (ENEM), in 2017, aiming at discussing socio-evaluative positions in response to the proposal for the production of a dissertating-argumentative text. The focus is to discuss the forms of speech of the other present in the retaken by the candidate, in order to develop his arguments around the proposed theme. The result presented in the official booklet of the Ministry of Education ends up maintaining an excessively normative speech of language and discourse, and we have as an consequence the illusion that the few high school students who obtain the highest grade in the essay test write a dissertating-argumentative text citing the speech of the other having linguistic and discursive knowledge at the tip of the tong.


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