No. 8 (2014)

La ironía como estrategia argumentativa

Silvia Martínez Fabregat
Lógica y filosofía de la ciencia. Universitat de València. Facultad de Filosofía y CC. de la Educación.
Published July 12, 2017
How to Cite
Martínez Fabregat, S. (2017). La ironía como estrategia argumentativa. Revista Iberoamericana De Argumentación, (8).


The rhetoric view of modern argumentation theory defended by Chaïm Perelman and, in part, by Frans H. van Eemeren, among others, has reawakened the interest in this art. Retrieving the Aristotelian interpretation, this perspective attracts the attention to the value of rhetorical argumentation and defends the need to study the rhetorical strategies as something essential to accomplish a complete analysis of the arguments. Among these rhetorical strategies we find the irony. The essay will analyze the formal realization of irony and its argumentative peculiarities. Because of irony’s nature, in order to develop its analysis, we will need an argumentative model which combines both, the logical and rhetorical perspectives, as the pragma-dialectic one, because they are totally insufficient by themselves.

Keywords: Argument analysis, irony, rhetoric argumentation, pragma-dialectics.


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