No. Monográfico 4 (2024): Epistemology and Philosophy of Argumentation. Proceedings of the II CIbA - Madrid 2023
Actas II CIbA monográfico 1

Arguments and semantic relations of opposition

Raúl E, Rodríguez Monsiváis
Universidad de Guadalajara
Published June 20, 2024


antonymy, argument, complementarity, inversion, semantic relation of opposition
How to Cite
Rodríguez Monsiváis, R. E. (2024). Arguments and semantic relations of opposition. Revista Iberoamericana De Argumentación, (Monográfico 4), 143–155.


The aim of this paper is to answer questions such as what is the contribution of semantic relations of opposition in the production of arguments, how these semantic relations co-operate and interact in the production of argumentative texts, among the main ones. The lexical relations that matter here are the so-called oppositional semantic relations, among which are antonymy, complementarity and inversion. In order to answer these questions and to know what their contribution is in the production of arguments, it was taken into account whether the semantic relation operates to establish coherence, whether through the semantic relation the establishment of the topic is achieved, and whether thanks to these semantic relations thematic continuity is provided. As part of the results, it was observed that these relations indicate a difference of opinion and, on other occasions, a particular way in which we conceive the world.


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