No. Monográfico 4 (2024): Epistemology and Philosophy of Argumentation. Proceedings of the II CIbA - Madrid 2023
Actas II CIbA monográfico 1

The experience of finding an argument and the concept of an argument

Júlder A. Gómez
Universidad Eafit
Published June 20, 2024


argument, audience, definition, intention
How to Cite
Gómez, J. A. (2024). The experience of finding an argument and the concept of an argument. Revista Iberoamericana De Argumentación, (Monográfico 4), 33–44.


In this paper I argue for the convenience of an unintentional redefinition of argument. To do this, I consider some types of situations in which the intentional concept of argument does not apply, I attend to the reasons why it does not apply, I offer some examples of those cases, and I anticipate some possible objections.


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