No. Monográfico 2 (2024): La argumentación en sus contextos. Actas del II CIbA - Madrid 2023
Actas II CIbA monográfico 1

The form rather than the substance of the argumentation in 12 angry men

Antonio Duarte
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Published June 19, 2024


maieutic, persuasion dialogue, Twelve angry men, types of dialogue, Walton
How to Cite
Duarte, A. (2024). The form rather than the substance of the argumentation in 12 angry men. Revista Iberoamericana De Argumentación, (Monográfico 2), 129–140.


Argumentative evaluation requires the definition of ideal models or argumentation structures within which the actual arguments are framed. In this article I argue that the narrative of 12 angry men shows us a perfectly defined argumentative framework, close to an ideal model. Following Walton’s work and the concepts or variables he defines to establish the theoretical models prior to the evaluation of argumentative practices, and his constant concern for the human way of arguing, we will show the masterful resolution of the film to be framed in an ideal argumentative model. Context of dialogue, shift of the burden of proof, types of dialogue, persuasion dialogue, and the maieutic function are the concepts that will help us to establish a correspondence between Walton's theory and the screenplay of 12 angry men.


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