No. Monográfico 2 (2024): La argumentación en sus contextos. Actas del II CIbA - Madrid 2023
Actas II CIbA monográfico 1

The concept of epicheírema in Greek rhetoric

Javier Bilbao Ruiz
María del Carmen Encinas Reguero
Published June 19, 2024


argument, Aristotle, enthymeme, epicheírema, Minucian, rhetoric, syllogism
How to Cite
Bilbao Ruiz, J., & Encinas Reguero, M. del C. (2024). The concept of epicheírema in Greek rhetoric. Revista Iberoamericana De Argumentación, (Monográfico 2), 8–20.


In the Aristotelian corpus the term epicheírema is used in the technical sense of “argument”, except in Topics 162a15-18, where it is specifically interpreted as a dialectical syllogism. In Rhetoric, Aristotle does not use the term epicheírema, but he does mention a rhetorical syllogism named enthymeme and which, like the dialectical syllogism, derives from probable premises. The similarity between the dialectical system and the rhetorical system leads to the entry of the term epicheírema into rhetoric and also to the conflict with respect to the enthymeme. From this point onwards, the rhetoricians mould the semantic scope of the term epicheírema according to how it fits into their rhetorical system.


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