No. Monográfico 1 (2024): La argumentación en la esfera pública. Actas del II CIbA – Madrid 2023.
Actas II CIbA monográfico 1

Prejudices about Argumentation and Argumentative Injustice against Women

Andrés Stisman
Universidad Nacional de Tucumán
Published June 2, 2024


credibility, epistemic authority, argumentative injustice, women arguers, identity prejudices, privilege
How to Cite
Stisman, A. (2024). Prejudices about Argumentation and Argumentative Injustice against Women. Revista Iberoamericana De Argumentación, (Monográfico 1), 91–102.


This paper defends the thesis that women suffer from argumentative injustice and critically examines two ideas that prevent women's arguments from being properly evaluated: 1. The idealization of abstract ways of understanding the nature of arguments that disregard the social identities of the arguers. 2. The thesis that women's arguments contain elements that degrade their quality. Finally, it is concluded that argumentation, as a social practice, is influenced by power relations that cannot be ignored when examining arguments. Furthermore, it is likely that criticisms of the ways in which women argue stem from the fact that they are women, rather than inherent features of their arguments.


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