No. 28 (2024)

New techniques for old arguments. Mapping and evaluation of arguments in Aristotle, regarding friendship.

Rómulo Ramírez Daza y García
Universidad Panamericana
Published June 6, 2024


Methodology, Mapping, Aristotle, Friendship, Practical Philosophy
How to Cite
Ramírez Daza y García, R. (2024). New techniques for old arguments. Mapping and evaluation of arguments in Aristotle, regarding friendship. Revista Iberoamericana De Argumentación, (28), 1–26.


The complexity of the philosophical arguments in general, and of the Aristotelian ones in particular, make possible new attempts at interpretation that can shed some light on the classical methodologies. The present investigation will allow future attempts to be focused towards a greater understanding of the Stagirite's thought, based on the reasons given by the techniques of identification and diagramming of arguments. This is intended to bring the reader closer to this wisdom of Antiquity. These methodological resources, in turn, allow a more detailed visualization of the argumentative evidence, and a closer study of the propositional connections within the structure of the reasoning. In this research, four passages from Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics are rehearsed in order to sufficiently show the identification, analysis and diagramming of such arguments, regarding the theme of friendship, thereby illuminating the dialectical and rhetorical nature of practical philosophy.


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