No. 27 (2023)

Factual logic in the analysis of Venezuelans and Chileans' opinions on the pandemic in Chile: A theoretical-methodological contribution for qualitative research in health

Gabriela Huepe
María Constanza Cornejo Guerrero
Published December 12, 2023


COVID-19, qualitative research, factual logic, migrants
How to Cite
Huepe, G., & Cornejo Guerrero, M. C. (2023). Factual logic in the analysis of Venezuelans and Chileans’ opinions on the pandemic in Chile: A theoretical-methodological contribution for qualitative research in health. Revista Iberoamericana De Argumentación, (27), 1–22.


This work is based on factual logic as theoretical-methodological support to analyze the arguments included in the opinions about the COVID-19 pandemic by Venezuelans and Chileans from the Metropolitan and Biobío regions of Chile in 2020. On a total of 65 qualitative interviews, the presence and structure of the arguments were analyzed according to the Toulmin model, showing that their basic form, data plus conclusion, is what characterizes this sample, as well as the argumentative field of experience as the place from where matters of public health and economics are integrated into everyday language. The content analysis of the opinions shows as the main topic the negative impact of the pandemic, where migration emerges as a factor that aggravates or mitigates its impact in Chile. In future qualitative health research can be useful to use approaches that deal with reasoning based on the behavior of people and communities, providing deep, rich and culturally relevant information.


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