No. 26 (2023)

Acquisition of knowledge through narrative reasons

Guillermo Sierra-Catalán
Universidad de Granada
Published June 3, 2023


argumentation, epistemology, inference, justification, narrative
How to Cite
Sierra-Catalán, G. (2023). Acquisition of knowledge through narrative reasons. Revista Iberoamericana De Argumentación, (26), 21–39.


In the course of an argumentation, narratives acting as reasons present a special interest in relation with its justificatory power. But these narrative reasons not only can contribute to justify certain points of view but also play a role in the processes of acquisition of knowledge that arise on the addressee of the argumentation. In this way, beliefs adopted within the course of an argumentation may become pieces of knowledge due to the contribution of the adduced narrative reasons regarding justification and persuasion.


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