The Paris Agreement: a new idea about the international climate architecture?
Climate international architecture, Paris Agreement, leadership, actors, commitmentsCopyright (c) 2016 Relaciones Internacionales
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This article proposes a debate from theoretical approaches of International Relations about the international climate architecture. It is based on the constructivist approach, especially from the perspective of Alexander Wendt, to analyse the process of construction of the Paris Agreement as a new idea.
The international climate architecture developed in Rio de Janeiro and deepened in Kyoto was characterized by four logics that reproduced the conditions of the International System: the state-centrism, climate North-South gap, the confidence in the role of market mechanisms and the leadership of the European Union in the absence of the United States from Kioto.
The failure of the Copenhagen Conference showed the wear of the four logics as a result of the crisis of European leadership, the pursuit of US leadership and the emergence of the middle powers hybridizing the North-South gap.
The Paris Agreement evidences a new idea of international climate architecture manifested in the increased participation of non-traditional actors, the extent of mitigation commitments, the consolidation of a triangular leadership "European Union-United States-BASIC group" and the relative interpellation on market mechanisms.
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