No. 1 (2005): New Theoretical Winds, New Political Phenomenons

Anarchy is what states make of it: the Social Construction of Power Politics

Alexander WENDT
Fue profesor de la Universidad de Yale (1989-1997) y del Dartmouth College (1997-1999)
Published March 15, 2005


anarchy, power, politics, liberalism, realism
How to Cite
WENDT, A. (2005). Anarchy is what states make of it: the Social Construction of Power Politics. Relaciones Internacionales, (1), 1–47.


All international relations theories are based on social theories about agents, processes and social structures. Social theories do not determine the content of our international theory but they structure our questions about global politics and our answers approaches to those questions. The main topic in the social theory debates is what kind of fundament can offer the set of questions and which are the most profitable research strategies in order to be able to explain the revolutionary changes that seems to be going on since the end of the XXth century.


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