Issue 41 / “Dialogues with the English School: Critical developments and/or analysis”



Issue 41 / “Dialogues with the English School: Critical developments and/or analysis

To be published in June 2019

The English School, or theory of international society, has seen how some of the central themes of investigation in the field of International Relations have come back strongly in recent years: the concept of international society, the debate between order and justice within international politics, historical accounts of the expansion of international society, and its role as a civilizing standard. Debates about the pluralist character or solidarist capacity of international society, and the analysis of controversial questions related to human rights, humanitarian interventions, and the responsibility to protect (R2P), have also made a significant reappearance.

Currently it is possible to see how, from different theoretical perspectives- albeit the majority of these postpositivist- a critical debate is being posed using the theoretical and analytical tools provided by the English School, along with both its silences and blind spots. For example, its eurocentric and teleological interpretation of an expansionist Europe has been highlighted; its state centric ontology, to the detriment of the role played by non-state actors in the evolution of the institutions and norms of international society, and moreover the importance of interests and identities in its functioning; its blind spots in relation to the role played by race, gender and class in the formation of the main institutions of international society; or the lack of attention to the agency of non Western societies and their role in the transformation of the institutions and the interaction within international society.

This edition of the journal therefore seeks contributions that develop the debates and themes raised, both by the classical theory of international society and by critical approaches that have came into dialogue with it. Likewise, proposals will be welcome that analyse some of the central themes from the research agenda of the English School, like the pluralist-solidarist debate, order and justice, the expansion of international society, the standard of civilization, sovereignty, humanitarian interventions, the responsibility to protect, and human rights. This will include those that contain theoretical reflexion linked to the debates surrounding these themes, within this particular school or its critics.



Elsa Aimé González 
Itziar Ruiz-Giménez Arrieta



Abstracts (max. 250 words) should be sent via email no later than September 30th 2018 to this e-mail address:

Notification of acceptance or refusal will be sent along the week following this deadline. 


Accepted ARTICLES must be sent and abide by our journal’s Style Guide (in Spanish, Manual de Estilo) for submission to a double blind peer-review no later than December 15th 2018.

The articles must be uploaded on the Relaciones Internacionales website, after registering as an author. 



Articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese will be accepted, but the articles will be translated into Spanish for publication. Whenever possible, the authors themselves will translate the articles into Spanish.