Protest campaigns in Tunisia during the first democratic legislature (2014-19): a cultural turn and the limitations of a new generation of activists
Arab Spring, Mobilisations, Social Movements, Youth Activism, TunisiaDireitos de Autor (c) 2024 Thierry Desrues, Éric Gobe
Este trabalho encontra-se publicado com a Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0.
This article analyses the cultural turn in youth activism in Tunisia, expressed in a series of protest campaigns during the first legislature of the post revolution democratic parliamentary experiment. Based in interviews, we first present the specificity of campaigns as a repertoire for protest actions. Secondly, we describe how young activists challenged government decisions. Thirdly, we show that these mobilisations are mostly ad hoc and driven by micro-networks of left-wing activists who champion a new protest culture based internally on the horizontality of participation and decision-making; and externally on the use of innovative performances within a classical repertoire of action.
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