Review of Ignacio ÁLVAREZ-OSSORIO y José ABU-TARBUSH (2024): Gaza.Crónica de una Nakba, La Catarata, Madrid
Gaza, Hamas, Israel, Palestine, NakbaCopyright (c) 2024 Antonio Basallote Marín
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
The book "Gaza. Chronicle of a Foretold Nakba", by Ignacio Álvarez-Ossorio and José Abu-Tarbush, puts the 7 October attacks by the Palestinian armed resistance and the subsequent destruction of the Gaza Strip into context. With the utmost academic and documentary rigour, yet in an accessible style, clear and straightforward language that makes for engaging reading, the authors - both recognised experts in the field - describe the key milestones that mark the ongoing crisis in Palestine and Israel. They analyse them with particular emphasis on their essential historical and political context.
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