No. 37 (2024): Palestine and North Africa: between State pragmatism and popular solidarity with the Palestinian cause

Egypt and the genocide in Gaza: the fracture between the regime and society

Bárbara Azaola Piazza
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Foto portada. Autor Mohammed El Khamlichi, Zoco Chico, Tánger. 20 Octubre 2024
Published December 19, 2024


Egypt, Palestine, Gaza, Authoritarianism, Civil Society
How to Cite
Azaola Piazza, B. (2024). Egypt and the genocide in Gaza: the fracture between the regime and society. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (37), 142–162. https://doi.org/10.15366/reim2024.37.007


This article reflects on the rift between the regime and society in Egypt over the Palestinian issue. Egypt was the first Arab country to establish full diplomatic relations with Israel in 1978, and since then this rift has continued to widen, as evidenced by Israel's brutal offensive on Gaza in response to Hamas-led attacks on 7 October. As Egyptian-Israeli relations have consolidated over time at the official level, be it political, security or economic, the opportunities for the population to express its rejection of such normalisation have diminished in a political context of increased authoritarianism.


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