No. 34 (2023): From Annual to the Hirak: A Study of the Cycles of Social Mobilisation in the Rif

Review of Matthew HEDGES (2023): Reinventing the Sheikhdom. Clan, Power and Patronage in Mohammed bin Zayed's UAE, Hurst publishers, London

Álvaro de Argüelles
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Portada de "Reinventing the Sheikhdom. Clan, Power and Patronage in Mohammed bin Zayed's UAE"
Published June 26, 2023


United Arab Emirates, Mohammed bin Zayed, Security Studies, Authoritarianism, Gulf
How to Cite
de Argüelles, Álvaro. (2023). Review of Matthew HEDGES (2023): Reinventing the Sheikhdom. Clan, Power and Patronage in Mohammed bin Zayed’s UAE, Hurst publishers, London. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (34), 297–299. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/reim/article/view/reim2023_34_22


Reinventing the Sheikhdom: Clan, Power and Patronage in Mohammed bin Zayed's UAE is an investigation into the security strategy of the United Arab Emirates, understood as the "set of measures taken to insulate the political elites from internal and external threats" that could jeopardize their permanence in power. Hedges speaks of a "neopatriarchal state" and "neocorporatist praetorianism" to define a regime with different centers of power isolated from each other and subservient to the government through interpersonal links. Hedges' focus is on the "micro-decisions," the various measures of co-optation and intimidation by Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ) to remain at the top of a complex network where tribal and kinship qualities come into balance with technocratic values.


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