No. 34 (2023): From Annual to the Hirak: A Study of the Cycles of Social Mobilisation in the Rif

Review of Bernabé LÓPEZ GARCÍA (2022): Sáhara, democracia y Marruecos ¿Es posible una reconciliación, Barcelona, Icaria, IEMed

Isaías Barreñada
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Portada de "): Sáhara, democracia y Marruecos ¿Es posible una reconciliación?"
Published June 26, 2023


Conflict resolution, Democracy, Authoritarianism, Occupation, Western Sahara, Morocco
How to Cite
Barreñada, I. (2023). Review of Bernabé LÓPEZ GARCÍA (2022): Sáhara, democracia y Marruecos ¿Es posible una reconciliación, Barcelona, Icaria, IEMed. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (34), 262–266. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/reim/article/view/reim2023_34_14


The book compiles some forty texts written by Professor Bernabé López García between 1999 and 2022, many of them published in the Spanish and Moroccan press, on the question of Western Sahara. This sum allows a vision of the author's positions on this problem and his intervention in the Spanish public debate. Two elements are noteworthy, the first is the author's determination to associate the problem of Western Sahara with the political evolution of Morocco, and the second is an obvious confirmation that the entrenchment of the conflict is due to a large extent to Rabat's inability to pace democratization and dispute resolution.


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