No. 34 (2023): From Annual to the Hirak: A Study of the Cycles of Social Mobilisation in the Rif

Humanitarian Crisis Management and Social Mobilisation: Rise and Fall of the New Riffian Elite in Longue Durée

Rachid Aarab
Joaan Bin Jassim Academy for Defence Sudies/ Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona
Manifestación del Hirak en Alhucemas el 18 de mayo de 2017
Published June 26, 2023


Rif, Morocco, Territorial Stress, Humanitarian Crisis, Riffian elites and Power, Al Hoceima, Social Mobilisation
How to Cite
Aarab , R. (2023). Humanitarian Crisis Management and Social Mobilisation: Rise and Fall of the New Riffian Elite in Longue Durée . Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (34), 96–123. https://doi.org/10.15366/reim2023.34.004


This article examines the response of the Moroccan population, elite and regime to the humanitarian crisis generated by the 2004 earthquake in the province of Al-Hoceima, in the Rif region. The study reveals that actors' reactions were a function of their position in the power structure and the resources available to them. The mobilisation and protestation of the local population and elite had diverse characteristics and developments, with different levels of negotiation oscillating between flexibility and radicalism. The Moroccan regime's response to the humanitarian crisis and the demands of local actors led to a strategy of repositioning in the Rif through the inclusion of a new Rif elite in the circle of power, as an intermediary force between the Rif and the state. From a longue durée perspective, the study delves into the rise of the activist elite in the new power structure; and ends by analyzing how a gradual decline that results in the fragmentation occurred after the outbreak of social protests in the Rif in 2017, came about. The historical marginalisation of the state and its confrontation with the Rif have been key elements for local actors in mobilising and protesting against the mismanagement of the humanitarian crisis


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