No. 33 (2022): Turkey: repertoires of cooperation and conflict in the Eastern Mediterranean and the MENA region

Review of Luz GÓMEZ GARCÍA (2021): Salafismo. La mundanidad de la pureza, La Catarata, Madrid.

Christian Jörg Backenköhler Casajús
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Portada del libro Salafismo. La mundanidad de la pureza
Published December 19, 2022


How to Cite
Backenköhler Casajús, C. J. (2022). Review of Luz GÓMEZ GARCÍA (2021): Salafismo. La mundanidad de la pureza, La Catarata, Madrid. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (33), 311–317. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/reim/article/view/reim2022_33_15


Salafism has become one of the most popular doctrines of Sunni Islam, and one of the most mediatized in the West. But, in general, we know little about its nature and genealogy. The new work by Luz Gómez García, Full Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the Autonomous University of Madrid, introduces us in the origin and development of the Salafist movement and its search for the purity of Islam, which would represent the first believers, the so-called Salaf. With this book, Luz Gómez carries out an exhaustive archaeology of the movement and explains the success of Salafism in its exaltation of worldliness in purity, but also its omnipresence in the politics of contemporary Islam.


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GÓMEZ GARCÍA, Luz (2021): Salafismo: La mundanidad de la pureza. Los Libros de la Catarata, Madrid.

GÓMEZ GARCÍA, Luz (2019): Diccionario de islam e islamismo. Trotta, Madrid.

GÓMEZ GARCÍA, Luz (2018:. Entre la sharía y la yihad: una historia intelectual del islamismo. Los Libros de la Catarata, Madrid.

WIKTOROWICZ, Quintan (2006): “Anatomy of the Salafi movement”. Studies in conflict & terrorism, 29 (3), pp. 207-239.
