No. 32 (2022)

The Moroccan parliament and the nature of the political system ten years after the 2011 constitutional reform

Omar Brouksy
Université Hassan Ier, Settat (Maroc
Published June 22, 2022


Morocco, Constitution, Monachy, Parliament, Power, Monarchy
How to Cite
Brouksy, O. (2022). The Moroccan parliament and the nature of the political system ten years after the 2011 constitutional reform . Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (32), 63–75. https://doi.org/10.15366/reim2022.32.005


The constitutional instability in Morocco reflects real power issues. At the heart of this dynamic, the parliament is one of the institutions that has undergone the most changes in terms of both its structure and its powers. The last constitutional reform of 2011 was no exception to the rule. In this article, we will present the advances and limitations revealed by the exercise of monarchical, governmental and parliamentary power over the past ten years. The aim is to verify whether the nature of the regime tends to limit the extent of this dynamic in view of the pre-eminence of the King and the limited but variable powers of the government.


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