No. 32 (2022)

Consequences of the Spanish-Algerian crises within the framework of the World gas’ petrolisation

Aurelia Mañé-Estrada
Universitat de Barcelona
Published June 22, 2022


Gas’ petrolisation, energy geopolitics, energy prices, Energy transition, Algerian-Spanish Relationship, Algeria
How to Cite
Mañé-Estrada, A. (2022). Consequences of the Spanish-Algerian crises within the framework of the World gas’ petrolisation. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (32), 49–62. https://doi.org/10.15366/reim2022.32.004


On April 11, 2022, Sonatrach and ENI signed an agreement to increase gas exports to Italy through the Transmed pipeline. This agreement came at one of the most critical moments in the Spanish-Algerian relations, and might have serious consequences for the future of these relations.

In this article, we analyze this issue from a two-fold perspective: on the one hand, the changes that have been taking place in the international gas trade, and also the actions that have progressively led to the de-argelianization of Spain's gas supply. These events suggest a worsening of the, already, fragile macroeconomic balance in Spain.


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