No. 31 (2021): Gender and The Arab Spring ten years later
In memoriam

Alejandro Lorca : In memoriam

Gonzalo Escribano Francés
UNED/Real Instituto Elcano
Ana I. Planet
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Miguel Hernando de Larramendi
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Olivia Orozco de la Torre
Casa Árabe
Retrato del profesor Alejandro Lorca Corrons
Published December 15, 2021


Alejandro Lorca, Mediterranean studies, UAM
How to Cite
Bernabé, Escribano Francés, G., Planet, A. I., Hernando de Larramendi, M., & Orozco de la Torre, O. . (2021). Alejandro Lorca : In memoriam. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (31), I-IX. Retrieved from https://revistas.uam.es/reim/article/view/reim2021_31_019


On the occasion of the passing of Professor Alejandro Lorca Corrons, Professor of Economic Analysis of the Autonomous University of Madrid, and member of the Scientific Board of the Journal for International Mediterranean Studies (Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, REIM) since its creation, REIM honours his memory with the testimony of some of his colleagues, students and pupils: Bernabé López García (UAM-TEIM), Gonzalo Escribano (UNED, Real Instituto Elcano), Ana I. Planet  Contreras (UAM-TEIM), Miguel Hernando de Larramendi (UCLM-GRESAM) and Olivia Orozco (Casa Árabe). With the permission of his family and of the journal Información Comercial Española we also reproduce his article “Spain’s return to the Mediterranean”, a seminal contribution to the development and promotion of research on the contemporary Mediterranean in Spain. The article was originally published in ICE. Journal of Economy, nr. 664, 1988, pp. 9-23.




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JORDÁN GALDUF, Josep Maria (2021): "Adiós a Alejandro Lorca, el hombre del diálogo euromediterráneo", Levante, 12 de julio. Disponible en https://www.levante-emv.com/comunitat-valenciana/2021/07/12/adios-alejandro-lorca-hombre-dialogo-54916589.html [consulta: 10 de diciembre de 2021].

LORCA, Alejandro (1988): "El retorno de España al Mediterráneo" , ICE. Revista de Economía, nº 664, pp. 9-23.

LORCA, Alejandro (1996): Tres poderes, tres mares, dos ríos, Madrid, Encuentro.

LORCA, Alejandro (2020): "Los orígenes de la Biblioteca de la Facultad", http://bloghistoriafacultadeconomicasuam.es/portfolio-item/alejandro-lorca/ [consulta: 10 de diciembre 2021].
