No. 30 (2021)

Commemorate the Ashura in the diaspora. Limitations and possibilities in the use of public space in Barcelona and Paris

Víctor Albert Blanco
Universidad Paris 8
Rosa Martínez Cuadros
Universitat Aut`ònoma de Barcelona (UAB), Investigacions en Sociologia de la Religió (ISOR)
Portada del número 30 de la Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos
Published June 28, 2021


Ashura, Public space, Religion, Islam, Diaspora
How to Cite
Albert Blanco, V., & Martínez Cuadros, R. . (2021). Commemorate the Ashura in the diaspora. Limitations and possibilities in the use of public space in Barcelona and Paris. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (30), 1–23. https://doi.org/10.15366/reim2021.30.001


Ashura is one of the most important commemorations of the Shiite Muslim calendar. Being a day in which the suffering of Imam Hussein assassinated in 680 AC is remembered, the commemoration includes a procession in public space. For some years now, it has not only taken place in countries like Iran or Pakistan, but also in large European cities. This article compares the commemoration of the Ashura in Barcelona and Paris in order to analyze the different logics that determine its transnational dimension, as well as the use that the Shiite diaspora’s communities can make of public space.


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