No. 29 (2020): Sharia in the 21st century. Discussions.

¿To be or not to be? Sharia in the 21st century

Luz Gómez García
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Rafael Ortega
Universidad de Granada
Published December 17, 2020


sharia, performativity, islamic identity , salafism, citizenship
How to Cite
Gómez García, L., & Ortega, R. (2020). ¿To be or not to be? Sharia in the 21st century. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (29), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.15366/reim2020.29.001


This special issue includes several papers presented at the congress "Sharia in the 21st century. Challenges, actors, scenarios", organized by the Chair of Islamic Civilization and Renewal of Religious Thought of the Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies as well as the research project "Representations of Islam in the glocal Mediterranean: conceptual cartography and history-REISCONCEP". The articles are the result of a joint reflection by Arab and European experts on the importance of sharia in contemporary Islam, in the political and social history of Arab and Islamic countries, and among Muslim minorities in Europe. The different studies address issues ranging from the analysis and evolution of the term "sharia", to its use and abuse by political movements such as Salafism, and the position it has had, and maintains, in reformist debates from the 19th century to the present day. Authors also deal with the description of the concept of "sharia" and its application and performativity in contemporary societies, with special attention to Western societies with Muslim minorities such as the United Kingdom and Spain. This monograph aims to be an academic contribution to debates that sometimes go beyond academia, being spread by the media and often mixed with feelings and emotions.


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