No. 28 (2020)

The labor movement as a platform for the Tunisian national liberation throughout Al-‘ummal al-tunisiyyun wa-zuhyr al-haraka al-niqabiyya (1927), by Tahar Haddad

Tatiana Hernández-Justo
Universidad de Granada
Nasra: once a no man'sland
Published June 29, 2020


Ṭāhar Ḥaddād/ labor movement/Tunisian nationalism/ trade unionism/
How to Cite
Hernández-Justo, T. (2020). The labor movement as a platform for the Tunisian national liberation throughout Al-‘ummal al-tunisiyyun wa-zuhyr al-haraka al-niqabiyya (1927), by Tahar Haddad. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (28), 74–85. https://doi.org/10.15366/reim2020.28.004


The issue of national liberation is the main axis of Tunisian scholar ??har ?add?d’s (1899-1935) thought. His concern for this cause, which can be found in all his main works, is especially relevant with regards to the labor movement. ?add?d’s implications with trade unionism gave birth to one of his most renowned books, Al-‘umm?l al-t?nis?yy?n wa-?uh?r al-?araka al-niq?biyya (The Tunisian workers and the emergence of the labor movement), published in 1927. In this paper, we will analyze the linking elements between labor movement and nationalism throughout the aforementioned work.


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