No. 27 (2019): Las dinámicas kurdas en Oriente Próximo: elementos locales, regionales y transregionales.

Kurdish Self Government in Syria: the feasibility of an Autonomous project in Rojava in the context of the ‘floating conflict’ theory

Ignacio Gutiérrez de Terán
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published December 19, 2019


Siria. Kurdos. Rojava. Conflicto en flotación. Intervencionismo
How to Cite
Gutiérrez de Terán, I. (2019). Kurdish Self Government in Syria: the feasibility of an Autonomous project in Rojava in the context of the ‘floating conflict’ theory. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (27), 84–102. https://doi.org/10.15366/reim2019.27.006


The situation of the Kurds in the northern region of Syria represents one of the most delicate issues of the ongoing Syrian crisis, specifically after the supposed end of the military campaign against ISIS and the Turkish offensive into North Eastern Syria. To help us provide a reference analysis, we rely on the basis of the “floating conflict”, which generates a proper context for the direct intervention of regional and international powers with colliding interests, and the positive-negative interaction of the priorities of these external actors. This originates events that influence the dynamics of the internal actors -that can be defined as “contingent” ones-, as we can see, for instance, in the strategies adopted by Russians, Iranians, Turks and Americans regarding all the Syrian topics, above all the Kurdish one, and the very next future of the Autonomous Administration of Rojava. That is why a revision of what that floating scheme means might give us some clues in order to foresee the development of this affair, without obviating the social, historic and political factors that have shaped for centuries the reality of the Kurdish people in Syria.


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