No. 27 (2019): Las dinámicas kurdas en Oriente Próximo: elementos locales, regionales y transregionales.

The Kurdish dynamics in the Middle East: some local, regional and trans-regional factors

Published December 19, 2019


kurdidad, espacios transfronterizos, interdisciplina
How to Cite
GARDUNO GARCIA, M. (2019). The Kurdish dynamics in the Middle East: some local, regional and trans-regional factors. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (27), 1–10. https://doi.org/10.15366/reim2019.27.001


This short paper introduces the special issue and summarizes the papers included here, promoting insights on the differences and similarities of the contexts, projects and political-discursive practices in some Kurdish movements in the Middle East, particulary in Iran, Irak, Turkey and Syria. The academic contributions are diverse in objectives and methodology, but share a common and cohesive framework to study the Kurdish question through the paradoxical relationship between the Kurds and the modern Nation State. Based on the analysis of the local, regional and transregional factors, in a context of authoritarianism, militarism and foreign intervention, this text recover kurdicity as an analytical category to justify the study of new cross-border dynamics in the Middle East, presenting the spetial Issue as an important contribution in Spanish langauge to the field of Kurdish Studies.


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