No. 25 (2018)

Narrating alternatives: story and democratic discourse in contemporary Moroccan thought (1997-2017)

Universidad de Granada
Published December 14, 2018
How to Cite
MACÍAS AMORETTI, J. A. (2018). Narrating alternatives: story and democratic discourse in contemporary Moroccan thought (1997-2017). Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (25), 12–31. https://doi.org/10.15366/reim2018.25.002


This article focuses on the narrative parameter and its relationship with the ideological construction of the discourse on democracy in Morocco between 1997 and 2017. The analysis uses S. Chatman’s structuralist theory to deconstruct the ideological narrative into two main elements: story and discourse, the former as the objective element and the latter as subjectivity. Following the CDA methodology proposed by T. Van Dijk, both story and discourse are analysed critically in relation to three important contemporary Moroccan thinkers: Kamal ‘Abd al-Latif, ??h? ‘Abd al-Ra?m?n (b. 1944) and Mu?ammad ‘?bid al-??br? (1935-2010).


Keywords: Political thought / Narrative / Democracy / Discourse / Morocco


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