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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The author/s confirm that the paper is original and entirely unpublished, without having been previously published in print or digital form.
  • The submission is not being assessed by any other journal.
  • The author/s agrees not to send the paper to any other journal until it receives an answer from the Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos.
  • The paper has been submitted in WORD format, including the author’s details, and in PDF format anonymously.
  • The form and citation system follows the Instructions for the authors.
  • The submission includes an abstract in the original language and five key words.
  • The submission includes an abstract in English and five key words.
  • The submission includes a short biographic note on the author (50 words maximum).
  • The author has submitted a list of references, included in the paper, and has checked if they have a digital object identifier (DOI).
  • If the article includes any image, they have been sent in a compressed folder, with a minimum resolution of 100 ppp.
  • The hyperlinks included in the text are active.
  • The author declares is/her consent to the Copyright policy of the Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos.

Author Guidelines

Instructions for authors

In order to publish in the Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos (REIM), please fill in this form

When preparing your paper, please make sure to follow the Journal’s Style Guidelines, described underneath. Otherwise, the paper will be returned until it follows the guidelines.

When sending the paper, please fill in all the fields required. The second step requires to upload the file. Please do so in PDF. The paper must be anonymous and should not include any reference that allows to recognize the author. The file in WORD format, as well as the CV, the bibliographic references cited and the folder with images (in case there are any) shall be uploaded in the fourth step, as “additional files”.

Once uploaded, you can check the paper status through this web’s online service, by accessing with your username and password.

The Editorial Board will issue an acknowledgement of receipt as soon as possible, and will inform of the paper’s acceptance or rejection within the following six months. During this period of time, the paper shall not be sent to any other journal.

Submitting and reception of papers

Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos (REIM) is a digital open Access journal whose aim is to publish the latest researches on the Arab-Muslim world, with a multidisciplinary approach framed in social sciences. REIM will prioritize papers focusing on the following subjects: Politics and Contemporary History on the Arab-Muslim world; North America and Europe’s relations with the Arab-Muslim world; Islam and Muslims in Europe; migration in the Mediterranean space.

REIM only accepts unpublished, original papers and reviews in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese (the papers will be published in the original language). Papers should be 5,000 to 10,000 words.

REIM will also accept reviews of individual or multiple books focusing on the journal’s topics, abovementioned. The reviews should be 1,000 to 3,000 words. In the case of quotations, they should follow the guidelines described above.

The paper will include a 100 words abstract in Spanish and English, five key words, and shall not include any personal information.

The authors shall send two copies of the work, one in PDF format, and one in WORD format. This last copy shall not include any personal information, to ensure the paper’s anonymity during the peer review process. With this aim, it should not include any reference to its identity throughout the text or the footnotes. In addition to this, it will include in both files a short biography of the author/s, and a list of the bibliographic references cited throughout the paper. Prior to its submission, the author/s should have checked if the works referenced have a digital object identifier (DOI), and cite it when applicable. In order to do so, we recommend following the following instructions: download.

The illustrations/figures (images, graphics, tables, maps, etc.) shall be included in the file submitted, both in the WORD and PDF files, distributed as the author wishes for them to appear in the paper. This distribution will be respected as close as possible for its publication. The illustrations/figures shall also be uploaded separately in JPG format, with a minimum resolution of 100 ppp, in a ZIP or RAR file. The illustrations used should not hold copyright. If this isn’t the case, the corresponding rights fees shall be charged to the author.

A short biographical note (50 words) should be included separately, including the author’s current institution of affiliation and email address.


The papers and reviews shall be submitted in Calibri font, size 12, with the footnotes in size 10. The paper’s title shall be in size 18 and bold letters, and every heading shall also be in bold letters and size 16. The headings will be separated from the preceding and following paragraph by two blank lines.

The texts shall have no indent and single spacing.

Notes will be numbered and shall appear at the bottom of the page.

The bibliographical references shall appear at the end of the article following the instructions detailed underneath.


The work shall be headed by the title in bold letters and size 18. Separated by two blank lines shall be the title in English, in bold letters and size 12.

Separated by two blank lines shall be the name of the author/s, the name in lowercase letters and the surname in capital letters, left-aligned and in size 12. Under the name shall appear, if applicable, the academic or institutional affiliation of the author/s at the time of submitting the paper, left-aligned. Likewise, every author shall include a contact email address.

Under the name shall appear two abstracts, the first one in the original language and second one in English. Its length shall be 100 words in both cases. Figures will be numbered under the form “[fig. 1]”. The figure shall include a title explaining its content, and its source.

The references will follow the following instructions:

The authors will appear inside the text, noting the year of publication, and page(s) when applicable. E.g. (Taylor, 1994: 27). In order to reference different works by a same author and year, a lowercase letter will follow the year of publication (Bateson, 1977a). Works with two authors will be linked by “and” (Taylor and Flint, 2001). References with more than two authors shall include only the first author followed by “et al.”.

The references at the end of the document will have the following format:

Book references: HALLIDAY, Fred (2005): El islam y el mito del enfrentamiento, Barcelona, Ediciones Bellaterra

Articles published in a collective book: KHOSROKHAVAR, Farhad (1997): “L'universel abstrait, le politique et la construction de l'islamisme comme forme d'altérité”, in WIEVIORKA, Michel (dir.): Une société fragmentée?, Paris, La Decouverte, pp. 113-151.

Articles included in a journal: BRUGUÉ, Quim; GOMÁ, Ricard and SUBIRATS, Joan (September 2002): “De la pobreza a la exclusión social”, Revista Internacional de Sociología , nº 33, pp. 7-45.

Electronic documents: HALLIDAY, Fred: "A transnational umma: reality or myth", OpenDemocracy, 7 October 2005, available at http://www.opendemocracy.net/themes/article.jsp? [consulted on: 12 October 2005].

Images, maps, and all graphic elements in general, shall be included in the document.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses included in this journal will be used solely for the purposes established in it and will not be provided to third parties or for other purposes.