No. 27 (2019): Las dinámicas kurdas en Oriente Próximo: elementos locales, regionales y transregionales.

Kurdistan’s relations with the Gulf: the Arab monarchies’ role in the Kurdish struggle in Iraq and Syria.

David Hernández Martínez
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Published December 19, 2019


Kurdistan, Gulf, Saudi Arabia, international relations, regional security
How to Cite
Hernández Martínez, D. (2019). Kurdistan’s relations with the Gulf: the Arab monarchies’ role in the Kurdish struggle in Iraq and Syria. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (27), 103–120. https://doi.org/10.15366/reim2019.27.007


The current situation in Irak and Syria has boosted the political significance of the Kurdish movements in those countries where they seek higher levels of autonomy or even the independence. Due to their resistance against Al Assad's regime, and its strength versus Daesh, Kurdish militias have got the backing of outstanding foreign powers. Kurdistan is claimed to look for acquiring an international prominence, diversifying relations with other actors. Not only among its main defenders are the United States, the main European Union's governments and Russia, but also others such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar or United Arab Emirates. This paper analyzes the relationships between the main Iraqi and Syrian Kurdistan actors with Gulf Cooperation Council's members since 2011 until current days. Saudi interests in the area are studied, as well as the importance of this type of support for the Kurdish causes.


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