No. 27 (2019): Las dinámicas kurdas en Oriente Próximo: elementos locales, regionales y transregionales.

The (de)securtization of the Kurdistan Regional Government. The Kurdish movement in Iraq since 1991

Juan Carlos Castillo Quiñones
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Published December 19, 2019


Kurdos, seguritización, deseguritización, Gobierno Regional del Kurdistán, Iraq.
How to Cite
Castillo Quiñones, J. C. (2019). The (de)securtization of the Kurdistan Regional Government. The Kurdish movement in Iraq since 1991. Revista De Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos, (27), 46–63. https://doi.org/10.15366/reim2019.27.004


This paper empirically examines the security interactions between the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Iraqi state. The discursive evidence shows that despite the Kurdish question in Iraq began a steady process of political normalization –desecuritization- since 1991, several dimensions of the issue remained securitized. We use the figure of splitting speech acts to show the long-term negative effects of these actions. We concluded that (de)securitization has introduced more violence into Iraqi politics and created conditions for the prolongation of the conflict between the Kurds and the state.


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