Palabras clave:
Impacto, Investigación , Educación , Práctica educativa, ConocimientoEsta obra está bajo una licencia internacional Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 4.0.
En los últimos veinte años, la investigación sobre el impacto sobre la práctica educativa ha sido objeto de una atención creciente en el contexto internacional y se ha convertido en una preocupación de los profesionales, investigadores y responsables políticos. En este sentido, la literatura se ha ocupado de explorar cómo el impacto es actualmente teorizado e investigado. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido derivar recomendaciones y propuestas de mejora para cerrar la brecha de larga duración existente entre la investigación y la práctica, a partir de la revisión de la literatura correspondiente al periodo 2000-2020 de los estudios sobre el impacto de la investigación educativa en la práctica. Se revisaron las bases de datos WOS, Scopus y ProQuest. Partimos de 237 artículos, seleccionamos 145 y realizamos un análisis de contenido identificando un total de 50 recomendaciones y propuestas, de carácter general, asociadas a los contenidos requeridos y, por último, aquellas vinculadas a consideraciones metodológicas. Los resultados del análisis realizado, reflejan el conocimiento disponible en torno al impacto de la investigación educativa en la práctica, los agentes principales implicados, las políticas a desarrollar en diversos ámbitos, las orientaciones metodológicas sugeridas, así como las implicaciones para la formación inicial y permanente del profesorado
Adorno, A. L. (2012). Collaborative action-research and locally situated teaching practice: Two studies in perspective. Calidoscopio 10(1), 58-64.
Alexander, P. A. (2020). Methodological guidance paper: The art and science of quality systematic reviews. Review of Educational Research, 90(1), 6-23.
Asen, R., Gurke, D., Conners, P., Solomon, R. y Gumm, E. (2013). Research evidence and school board deliberations: Lessons from three Winsconsin school districts. Educational Policy, 27(1), 33-63.
Attorps, I. y Kellner, E. (2017). School-university action research: Impacts on teaching practices and pupil learning. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15(2), 313-330.
Bannister, J. y Hardill, I. (2013). Knowledge mobilisation and the social sciences: Dancing with new partners in an age of austerity. Contemporary Social Science, 8(3), 167-175.
Baun, H.S. (2003, 22 de abril). How communities can use research to hold school systems accountable [Comunicación]. AERA, Chicago.
Becky, F. (2011). Increasing impact? An analysis of issues raised by the impact agenda in educational research. Scottish Educational Review 43(2), 4-16.
Beycioglu, K., Ozer, N., Ugurlu, C. T. (2010). Teachers' views on educational research. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26(4), 1088-1093.
Biesta, G. (2007). Why “what works” won’t work: Evidence-based practice and the democratic deficit in educational research. Educational Theory 57(1), 1-22.
Booher, L., Nadelson, L. S. y Nadelson, S. G. (2020). What about research and evidence? Teachers' perceptions and uses of education research to inform STEM teaching. The Journal of Educational Research, 113(3), 213-225.
Brown, C. y Zhang, D. (2016). Un-rational behaviour? What causes discrepances between teachers’ attitudes towards evidence use and actual instances of evidence use in schools? Journal of Educational Administration, 54(4), 469-491.
Brown, C. y Flood, J. (2018). Lost in translation? Can the use of theories of action be effective in helping teachers develop and scale-up research-informed practices? Teaching and Teacher Education, 72, 144-154.
Brown, C. y Rogers, S. (2014). Measuring the effectiveness of knowledge creation as a means of facilitating evidence-informed practice in early years settings in one London borough. London Review of Education, 12(3), 245-260.
Brown, C. y Zhang, D. (2017). How can school leaders establish evidence-informed schools: An analysis of effectiveness of potential school policy levers. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership, 45(3), 382-401.
Brown, C. (2017). Further exploring the rationality of evidence informed practice: A semiotic analysis of the perspectives of a school federation. International Journal of Educational Research, 82, 28-39.
Brown, C., Daly, A. y Liou, Y-H. (2016). Improving, trust, improving schools. Finding of a social network analysis of 43 primary schools in England. Journal of Professional Capital and Community, 1(1), 69-91.
Brown, C., Zhang, D., Xu, N. y Corbett, S. (2018). Exploring the impact of social relationships on teachers’ use of research: A regression analysis of 389 teachers in England. International Journal of Educational Research, 89, 36-46.
Buchanan, A. (2013) Impact and knowledge mobilisation: What I have learnt as chair of the economic and social research council evaluation committee. Contemporary Social Science, 8(3), 176-190.
Burton, L. (2004). A new venture-bridging the gap between educational research and policy and practice. British Educational Research Journal, 30(1), 3-7.
Cai, J., Morris, A., Hohensee, C., Hwang, H., Robison, V. y Hiebert, J. (2017). Clarifying the impact of educational research on learning opportunities. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 48(3), 230-236.
Cain, T. y Allan, D. (2017). The invisible impact of educational research. Oxford Review of Education 43(6), 718-732.
Callie, M. (2013). Reducing the gap between educational research and second language teachers’ knowledge. Evidence & Policy 9 (2), 185-206.
Camarero-Figuerola, M., Tierno García, J.M., Iranzo-García, P. y Barrios-Arós, C. (2023). Desafíos para aumentar el uso de la investigación en la comunidad educativa. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 21(3), 56-77.
Chapman, C. y Ainscow, M. (2019). Using research to promote equity within education systems: possibilities and barriers. British Educational Research Journal, 45(5), 899-917.
Carrero, V., Soriano, R. M. y Trinidad, A. (2012). El desarrollo de teoría desde la generalización conceptual. Centro de Investigación Sociológica.
Cervantes, E. (2019). Un acercamiento a la formación de docentes como investigadores educativos en México. REICE. Revista Iberoamericana sobre Calidad, Eficacia y Cambio en Educación, 17(4), 59-74.
Cherney, A., Povey, J., Head, B., Boreham, P. y Ferguson, M. (2012). What influences the utilization of educational research by policy-makers and practitioners? The perspective of academic educational researchers. International Journal of Educational Research, 56, 23-34.
Cooper, A. (2014). Knowledge mobilisation in education across Canada: A cross-case analysis of 44 research brokering organisations. Evidence & Policy 10(1), 29-59.
Cordingley, P. (2008). Research and evidence-informed practice: focusing on practice and practitioners. Cambridge Journal of Education 38(1), 37-52.
Counsell, C., Evans, M., McIntyre, D. y Raffan, J. (2000). The usefulness of educational research for trainee teachers' learning. Oxford Review of Education, 26(4), 467-482.
Cruz-González, C., Lucena Rodríguez, C. y Domingo Segovia, J. (2020). A systematic review of principals’ leadership identity from 1993 to 2019. Educational Management Administration & Leadership,49(1), 31-53.
Darling-Hammond, L. (2016). Research on teaching and teacher education and its influences on policy and practice. Educational Researcher, 45(2), 83-91.
Del Carlo, D., Hinkhouse, H., Isbell, L. (2010). Developing a reflective practitioner through the connection between educational research and reflective practices. Journal of Science Education and Technology 19(1), 58-68.
Economic and Social Research Council. (2020). Definitions of impact. ESRC.
Earl, L. y Katz, S. (2006). Leading schools in a data-rich world harnessing data for school improvement. Corwin Press.
Edelstein, H. (2016). Collaborative research partnerships for knowledge mobilization. Evidence & Policy, 12(2), 199-2016.
Edwards, A., Sebba, J. y Rickinson, M. (2007). Working with users: Some implications for educational research. British Educational Research Journal 33(5), 647-661.
Ellwood, P., Thorpe, R. y Coleman, C. (2013). A model for knowledge mobilisation and implications for the education of social researchers. Contemporary Social Science, 8(3), 191-206.
Farley-Ripple, E. N. (2012). Research use in school district central office decision making: A case study. Educational Management Administration & Leadership 40(6), 786-806.
Fernández Cano, A. (2001). Valoración del impacto de la investigación educativa sobre la práctica docente. Revista de Educación, 324, 155-170.
Fielding, M., Bragg, S., Craig, J., Cunningham, I., Eraut, M., Gillinson, S., Horne, M., Robinson, C. y Thorp, J. (2005). Factors influencing the transfer of good practice. University of Sussex.
Fitzclarence, L. (2003). The impact of educational research. teacher knowledge in action. The Australian Educational Researcher, 30(2), 33-42.
Flores, M. A. (2018). Linking teaching and research an initial teacher education: Knowledge mobilisation and research-informed practice. Journal of Education for Teaching, 44(5), 621-636.
Gardner, J. (2011). Educational research: What (a) to do about impact. British Educational Research Journal, 37(4), 543-561.
Gardner, J., Holmes, B. y Leitch, R. (2008). Where there is smoke, there is (the potential for) fire: soft indicators of research and policy impact. Cambridge Journal of Education, 38(1), 89-104.
Gibbs, S. (2012). El análisis de datos cualitativos en investigación cualitativa. Morata.
Goldring, E. y Berends, M. (2009). Leading with data. Pathways to improve your school. En E. Goldring y M. Berends (Eds.), The importance of data-based decision making (pp. 5-22). Corwin Press.
Gorad, S. y Taylor, C. (2001). A preliminary consideration on the impact of market forces on educational standards. School of Social Sciences.
Gough, D. (2007). Weight of evidence. A framework for the appraisal of the quality and relevance of evidence. Research Papers in Education 22(2), 213-228.
Gough, D., Oliver, S. y Thomas, J. (2017). An introduction to systematic reviews. Sage.
Gutiérrez-Rico, D., Almaraz-Rodríguez, O. D. y Bocanegra-Vergara, N. (2019). Concepciones del docente en sus formas de percibir el ejercicio de la investigación desde su práctica. Revista de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, 10(1), 149-161.
Halet, F. y Fidalgo, P. (2014). Educational research capacity building in the European Union: A critique of the lived experiences of emerging researchers. European Educational Research 13(4), 425-433.
Hartmann, U. y Decristan, J. (2018). Brokering activities and learning mechanisms at the boundary of educational research and school practice. Teaching and Teacher Education, 74, 114-124.
Hemsley-Brown, J. y Sharp, C. (2003). The use of research to improve professional practice: A systematic review of the literature. Oxford Review of Education, 29(4), 449-471.
Higgins, J. P. T. y Deeks, J. J. (2011). Selecting studies and collecting data. En J. P. T. Higgins y S. Green (Eds.), Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions (pp. 151-187). Wiley.
Honerod, M. (2012). Educational research and useful knowledge: Production, dissemination, reception and implementation. European Educational Research Journal, 11(1), 58-61.
Hoppers, C. O. y van der Westhuizen, G. (2018). Emancipatory learning and educational research. Tydskriftvir Geesteswetenskappe, 58(3), 519-529.
Ion, G., Marin, E. y Proteasa, C. (2019). How does the context of research influence the use of educational research in policy-making and practice? Educational Research for Policy and Practice 18, 119-139.
Ion, G. y Iucu, R. (2016) The impact of postgraduate studies on the teachers’ practice, European Journal of Teacher Education, 39(5), 602-615.
Ismail, S., Nur, A., Raman, A. y Purnomo, Y. W. (2019). A mixed-method study of the epistemological teacher-beliefs towards educational research in classroom teaching practices. International Journal of Instruction, 12(4), 393-406.
Jones, H., Jones, N., Shaxson, L. y Walker, D. (2013). Knowledge, policy and power in international development: A practical framework for improving policy. Overseas Development Institute.
Jones, S. H., Procter, R. y Younie, S. (2015). Participatory knowledge mobilisation: An emerging model for international translational research in education, Journal of Education for Teaching, 41(5), 555-573.
Leat, D., Reid, A. y Lofthouse, R. (2015) Teachers’ experiences of engagement with and in educational research: What can be learned from teachers’ views? Oxford Review of Education, 41(2), 270-286.
Lingard, B. (2013). The impact of research on education policy in an era of evidence-based policy. Critical Studies in Education, 54(2), 113-131.
Lysenko, L. V., Abrami, P. C., Bernard, R. M y Dagenais, C. (2015). Research use in education: An online survey of school practitioners. Brock Educational Journal 25(1), 35-54.
Lovat, T. (2003). The relationships between research and decision making in education: An empirical investigation. The Australian Educational Research 30(2), 43-55.
Mathieson, S. (2019). Integrating research, teaching and practice in the context of new institutional policies: A social practice approach. Higher Education, 78(5), 799-815.
McCartney, E., Marwick, H., Hendry, G., Ferguson, E. C. (2018). Eliciting student teacher’s views on educational research to support practice in the modern diverse classroom: A workshop approach. Higher Education Pedagogies, 3(1), 342-372.
McEwen, J., Crawshaw, M., Liversedge, A. y Bradley, G. (2008). Promoting change through research and evidence-informed practice: A knowledge transfer partnership project between a university and a local authority. Evidence & Policy, 4(4), 391-403.
McKenney, S. y Schunn, C. D. (2018). How can educational research support practice at scale? Attending to educational designer needs. British Educational Research Journal, 44(6), 1084-1100.
Miles, R., Lemon, N., Mathewson Mitchell, D. yReid, J. A. (2016). The recursive practice of research and teaching: Reframing teacher education. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 44(4), 401-414.
Miller, S. R., Drill, K. y Behrstock, E. (2010). Meeting Teachers half way making educational research relevant to teachers. Phi Delta Kappan, 91(7), 31-34.
Mills, M. (2018). Educational research that has an impact: “Be realistic, demand the impossible”: 2016 australian association for research in education presidential address. Australian Educational Researcher, 45(5), 569-583.
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Moutafidou, A., Melliou, K. y Georgopoulou, A. A. (2012). Educational research and teacher development. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 31, 156-161.
Murillo, F. J. Perines, H. y Lomba, L. (2017). La comunicación de la investigación educativa. Una aproximación entre la investigación, su difusión y la práctica docente. Profesorado. Revista de currículum y formación del profesorado, 21(2), 183-200.
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Perines, H. (2018a). La investigación educativa: Percepción de docentes en ejercicio, docentes en formación y agentes educativos. Perspectiva Educacional, 57(2), 123-142.
Perines, H. (2018b). ¿Por qué la investigación educativa no impacta en la práctica docente? ESE. Estudios sobre Educación 34, 9-27.
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